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Chronic Kidney Disease - Detection in Practice (online course)


Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a prevalent and under-recognised condition in Australia. By improving screening, prevention, and management of CKD, GPs can provide high-quality care and support for patients with this condition, delay the need for expensive kidney replacement therapies, and improve patient outcomes. Therefore, the detection, diagnosis and management of CKD is a crucial component of general practice.

In this audit activity GPs will learn how to identify individuals in their practice at risk of CKD and without a coded diagnosis using a data extraction tool (e.g. PENCAT or Primary Sense). GPs will implement Kidney Health Checks for identified at risk patients without a coded diagnosis and reflect on any gaps in CKD care for each patient based upon best practice guidelines. Finally, the GP will consider and document options for improvement in the practice systems and in consultations.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Describe the prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in Australia and your Local Health Area
  2. Describe a Kidney Health Check and who needs one
  3. Identify 15 patients with evidence of CKD without coded diagnosis of CKD, and action a Kidney Health Check for each 
  4. Review current practice systems for identifying and recalling patients with evidence of CKD
  5. Benchmark baseline and end point practice data against best practice guidelines and Local Health Area data (LHAs) 
  6. Implement a whole of practice plan for the early diagnosis of people with CKD clinical indicators using the Kidney Health Check algorithm 
  7. Develop an ongoing review procedure to monitor the effectiveness of the whole of practice plan. 





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Upon completion, your CPD activity record may take up to 4 weeks to be reflected on your CPD Home Dashboard.


CPD Activity Details
Reviewing Performance
Peer Review
CPD Hours
11h : 0m
General Practice and Primary Care, Chronic Diseases, Kidney Disease
Medical practitioners
Applicable CAPE Aspects
Addressing Health Inequities, Professionalism
Effective Year

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