Frequently Asked Questions

More information about CPD Home

The CPD Home Team is here to assist you

See below for our FAQs to learn more about CPD Home.

If you can't find the answer to your question, please Contact Us for assistance by completing our online form. 

  • Yes, we have an app for both Android and Apple.
  • For Android, go to the Google Play Store and download the CPD Home App.
  • For Apple, go to the App store and download the CPD Home App.

  • Follow the below steps to sign up to CPD Home
    • Click the ‘Sign-up’ button at the top of the home page
    • Enter your name, email, mobile number, and AHPRA MED number.
    • Choose whether you would like to be a ‘Subscriber’ or a ‘Learner’.
    • Tick ‘Agree’ to the Terms.
    • Tick ‘I’m not a robot’.
    • If signing up as a CPD Home Subscriber – pay the subscription fee.
    • Verify your email and phone number.
    • Follow the steps to create your profile.

  • No. We are Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) compliant, which means we follow industry best practice. Our system does not retain any credit card information at any time and nor does our banking partner, the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA).
  • Upon providing your credit card details to us, our system obtains an authorisation on your card and generates a unique token code to bill your card for a set value - no details are ever stored. This token is unique to you as well as to CPD Home and cannot be used by anyone.
  • When you initially subscribed, your unique token was saved to our system but not your credit card details. Please be assured, we do not store nor have access to your credit card details.

  • Firstly, you need to add your Medical Registration category. If you selected the Specialist registration, the college(s) where you completed your qualification(s) needs to be selected along with your Specialty (up to 3), Fields of specialty practice (if applicable) and specialist high-level CPD requirements (if applicable).
  • Finally, add your Workplace setting (clicking all that apply) and click ‘Save Details’. This information helps us understand more about you, so CPD Home can suggest relevant activities to meet your learning needs.

  • Since 1 January 2024, all non-exempt medical practitioners are required to have a CPD home.
  • If you are a doctor who is required to join a CPD home, you will need to complete the following each year to be compliant with the Standard.
    • Write a Continuing Professional Development Plan (CPD Plan) each year
    • Complete a minimum 50 hours of CPD activities per year:
      • At least 12.5 hours (25 percent of the minimum) in educational activities,
      • At least 25 hours (50 percent of the minimum) in activities focused on reviewing performance and measuring outcomes, with a minimum of five hours for each category; and
      • The remaining 12.5 hours (25 percent of the minimum) across any of these types of CPD activities, which includes any relevant specialist high-level CPD requirements.
    • Meet any specialist high-level CPD requirements set by the MBA.
    • Reflect upon achievement of the CPD Plan at the end of the CPD Year.
    • Retain completed CPD records for three years after the end of each one-year cycle period for auditing purposes.

  • CPD homes:
    • are accredited by the AMC (Australian Medical Council)
    • Deliver CPD programs that are robust, monitored and evaluated
    • support doctors to tailor CPD activities to meet the learning needs identified in their written CPD Plan
    • work with external learning providers, ensuring quality CPD activities are available through an online Catalogue of learning
    • help Subscribers keep track of their CPD hours with an online system for CPD record-keeping
    • support Subscribers to meet their CPD requirements, including for:
      • Culturally safe practice
      • Addressing health inequities
      • Professionalism and
      • Ethical practice.
  • CPD Home has been approved for initial accreditation by the AMC. For more information, see the below links:

  • CPD Home delivers an extensive CPD Program specifically designed to support Subscribers in meeting their annual CPD requirements set by the Standard.
  • Our CPD Home Program covers requirements for PGY3+ not in an accredited training program, generally registered medical practitioners such as non-vocationally registered doctors, international medical graduates and other registered Australian doctors who require a CPD home.
  • If you are a registered medical specialist, our unique offering will also help you to simplify your achievement of your CPD obligations, including any specialist high-level CPD requirements set by the MBA, whether you hold a fellowship or not.
  • CPD Home offers Subscribers accredited, peer-reviewed medical learning, effortless CPD tracking, and reporting.
  • With CPD Home you can:
    • complete a learning module on how to write your CPD Plan
    • nominate your learning focus topics when writing your CPD Plan
    • access a comprehensive Catalogue of CPD activities including quality clinical research, specialty topics, professionalism and ethical practice, cultural safety, equitable care, compliance, and communication skills
    • amend your CPD Plan throughout the CPD year
    • recommence your online learning where you left off
    • register for CPD activities offered by Contributors
    • know that hours assigned for a CPD activity are uploaded on your behalf to your CPD Dashboard by the Certified Learning Provider
    • track your learning against the CPD Home Program requirements
    • upload and save externally completed learning evidence to your CPD Tracker
    • monitor your CPD progress immediately on your Dashboard
    • access guidance and support to help you complete activities that will meet your mandatory CPD requirements and address the learning goals you set out to achieve in your CPD Plan
    • print or save your CPD Reports detailing your completed CPD records that aggregate your learning. The CPD Dashboard automatically calculates completed CPD hours to meet your mandatory learning, including high-level requirements set by the MBA
    • download your CPD Statement of Completion for the current CPD year
    • access your data anywhere, any time
    • oreflect upon your CPD achievements at the end of the CPD year
    • know that Ahpra will be automatically advised of your CPD compliance at the end of the CPD reporting period.
  • CPD Home gives you complete choice and control over your CPD needs. Here are some key features.
    • We certify learning providers to bring you a variety of CPD activities relevant to your scope of practice
    • Our platform tags learning to ensure relevant CPD activities automatically surface to your Dashboard based on the learnings goals you set out in your written CPD Plan
    • Your CPD Dashboard displays a simple way to track your progress and prompt you to complete mandatory activities, ensuring you remain CPD compliant
    • Simple templates are available to help you complete your CPD Plan and other mandatory activities with ease
    • We recognise your completed CPD activities accredited by any other AMC accredited CPD home that aligns with our CPD Home Program and your registered scope of practice
    • For learning that is not accredited by another CPD home, there is a simple process to upload your CPD activity records and supporting evidence where the activity aligns with our CPD Home Program
    • We accept CPD activities that you participate in during your normal course of practice.
  • Read our CPD Home Program Guide to learn more.

There are two subscription fees based on a doctor’s registered scope of practice.

  1. Non-specialists (PGY3+ not in a specialist training pathway and other non-specialists)
  2. Specialists (including General Practitioners)

For doctors working on average 20 hours or less per week, we offer a part-time subscription. Financial members of the AMA and ASA receive up to 50% off the full price.

To learn about our current fees, including special offers, please visit the Benefits and Fees page on our website.

All AMA CPD Home subscriptions are annual and follow the calendar year to align with the Ahpra CPD year (1 January - 31 December).

If you've been placed on a monthly payment plan, you'll need to settle a lump sum payment for previous months in the calendar year before switching to monthly payments.

CPD Home does not provide partial subscriptions, and the entire annual subscription must be fully paid for us to report your compliance to Ahpra. Check out our Fees and Refunds Policy for more information.

  • Yes. You may subscribe to more than one CPD home. However, you must complete the CPD program requirements of at least one AMC-accredited CPD home for your compliance requirements to be met for the CPD year.
  • Please note: If you have multiple CPD homes and only partially complete requirements under each CPD home, then no CPD home can report compliance of your CPD requirements to Ahpra, and this may impact your ongoing medical registration. For simplicity purposes, choose a single CPD home that can support you to meet the Standard and remain compliant.

  • Yes. To meet the Standard, you must follow the program set by your CPD home.
  • The AMA's CPD Home captures all mandatory CPD requirements. Your Dashboard ensures you can monitor your progress at any point in time, so that you can be confident that you are meeting the CPD requirements set by the Standard.
  • Key elements of the CPD Home Program Guide include:
    • the annual reporting period commences on 1 January and concludes 31 December each year
    • the minimal completion of 50 hours of CPD activities sit across two domains of learning during each reporting cycle, including mandatory learning is required to be completed. This includes completion of CPD activities that address the minimum number of hours for each of the two domains of learning
    • participation in the two domains of learning encompasses:
      • Domain 1: Educational Activities (minimum 12.5 hours - maximum 25 hours)
      • Domain 2: Reviewing Performance (minimum 5 hours) and Measuring Outcomes (minimum 5 hours) (Total time: minimum 25 hours - maximum 37.5 hours)
    • prepare and reflect on your written CPD Plan
    • engage in CPD activities that align to the Medical Board of Australia’s Good Medical Practice: A code of conduct for doctors in Australia; 2020. This involves completing CPD activities across each of the following CAPE aspects:
      • Culturally safe practice
      • Addressing health inequities
      • Professionalism
      • Ethical practice
      completed CPD activities for the CPD year must include a CPD activity that individually addresses each one of the above aspects. CPD activities listed in the CPD Home Catalogue will be assigned under the applicable CAPE aspect. When uploading other CPD activities to your record, you need to assign the applicable CAPE aspect(s) to the activity, where relevant
    • the minimum and maximum number of accumulated CPD hours for each domain must be observed. Additional hours will be recorded by the CPD Dashboard but excluded in the annual CPD calculation where it exceeds the maximum number of hours for that domain
    • you must save and retain your annual CPD activity records for three years after the end of each one-year cycle for auditing purposes by CPD Home and/or the MBA, even if you change to another CPD home service provider. Medical practitioners with a specialist registered scope of practice must also meet the high-level CPD requirements set by the MBA.
  • While this sounds complex, don’t worry. Our system is designed to guide you and ensure that you can meet these requirements with the least amount of effort. Our system will prompt you to complete learning, while your Dashboard gives you an easy, visual representation of your progress.

  • Yes. CPD Home provides Australian registered medical specialists, international medical graduates, PGY3+ trainees and non-vocationally registered medical practitioners with a robust CPD program of learning, a CPD tracking service, and access to an extensive learning Catalogue.
  • The CPD Home Program Guide recognises a wide range of CPD activity types to meet the learning needs of Subscribers. To learn more about the CPD Home Program, please download the CPD Home Program Guide available on the website.

  • Australian medical practitioners are individually responsible for meeting their annual CPD requirements, which have been set by the Medical Board of Australia in the revised CPD Standard: Continuing professional development (the Standard).
  • CPD Home provides Subscribers access to a comprehensive Catalogue of CPD activities.
  • As a CPD Home Subscriber, your CPD Home Dashboard makes it easy to track and record your progress towards meeting your annual CPD requirements. CPD Home provides Subscribers the tools for complying with the Standard and will keep track of Subscriber progress, providing support and guidance, where required.
  • If you complete CPD activities that are external to the CPD Home Catalogue, you must self-record your activity and upload accepted supportive evidence to your CPD Tracker. This will automatically display as additional CPD hours on your Dashboard.
  • To learn more about medical practitioner CPD obligations, visit the Medical Board of Australia webpage.

  • Yes. You can complete CPD activities that align with our CPD Home Program and your registered scope of practice. CPD activities completed on our system will automatically be added to your Dashboard. Activities completed with other learning providers must be uploaded by you to your CPD Tracker as your record of completion with accepted supporting evidence.

  • Please note that use of postnominals or maintaining membership with your specialty college does not impact your access to Medicare rebates and specialist registration with Ahpra. However, you will need to be registered with an AMC-accredited CPD home and comply with the Standard including any specialist high-level CPD requirements set annually by the MBA.
  • Ongoing use of postnominals is determined by specialist medical colleges. Our broad understanding is that specialists wishing to use postnominals should specify the duration of when the fellowship was maintained e.g. FAMA (1992-2024). Some colleges may allow specialists to state the year fellowship was attained e.g. FAMA (attained 1992), ensuring ongoing fellowship of the college is not implied. It is recommended that specialists check the constitution of their respective college in relation to the use of postnominals.

  • Yes. The AMA’s CPD Home will recognise CPD activities that have been accredited by any other CPD home service provider. However, you are responsible for uploading your evidence of completion of this activity, for confirming that it aligns with the CPD Home Program, and that is relevant to your scope of practice.

  • The policies that outline our commitment as your CPD home provider are publicly available from the website.

  • The following forms are available for submission and are located on your Dashboard under the ‘Resources’ menu:
    • Conflict of Interest Declaration Form
    • Exit Poll Form
    • Request for Data Download Form
    • Recognition of Financial Hardship Application Form
    • Reconsideration, Review or Appeal Application Form
    • Special Consideration of Exceptional Circumstance Application Form
  • Should you submit one of the above forms, these can be viewed at any time by clicking the ‘Resources’ menu and navigating to the ‘Submitted Applications’ section.
  • Please note: This feature is only available to CPD Home Subscribers.

  • No, the requirements set by the Standard are the same Australia wide, no matter which state or territory you work or practice in. While managed by the AMA (WA), our program supports all Australian doctors who require a CPD home service.

  • CPD Home uses Microsoft Dynamics and a secure SQL database to store information. CPD Home data is collected and stored electronically. Our data management is in line with best-practice security standards.
  • The use of and access to Subscriber information is restricted to authorised CPD Home staff only, all of whom regularly undertake security awareness training to prevent any compromise of our systems through cyber-attacks of any kind. Multi-factor authentication is also utilised across all data and systems access points. CPD Home blocks unauthorised overseas IP addresses from accessing the CPD Home system.
  • The data we hold in our electronic databases is fully backed up and archived fortnightly, with a point-in-time snapshot taken every day to facilitate any required data restoration.

  • Each month, we deliver one of three newsletters to your inbox.
  • Our primary newsletter is dedicated to our Subscribers. It provides updates on our services and matters affecting CPD compliance with the Standard. Our Subscribers automatically receive our newsletter following sign up.
  • Our Free Learner newsletter provides interesting updates on new CPD activities delivered by our Contributors, and highlights the many benefits of being a CPD Home Subscriber, including special subscription offers that may be available.
  • Our non-Subscriber non-Learner newsletter reaches all other doctors who have signed up to receive our communications.
  • Not signed up to the AMA’s CPD Home as a Subscriber or Learner but want to receive the CPD Home newsletter? Click here to subscribe now.
  • Our newsletters are a key part of our communications with you as part of our CPD Home support services. However, if you do not wish to receive the newsletter, you can unsubscribe at any time. To unsubscribe, simply scroll to the bottom of the last newsletter you received and click on the ‘Unsubscribe’ link.
  • Please note, if you are a Subscriber and choose to unsubscribe from our Subscriber newsletter, you will likely miss out on important communications regarding your CPD compliance.

  • We accept Mastercard and Visa as forms of payment.

  • You will be notified by email that AMA CPD Home subscription renewals are commencing. You may also receive a follow-up SMS to check your email. Simply complete the renewal form to subscribe for next year.
  • Don’t want to complete the renewal form? Auto-renewals commence on 1 December, so make sure to keep your personal details and payment information are up to date to secure the right plan for next year.

  • To discontinue your AMA CPD Home subscription from 1 January, please email three business days before 1 December. This will ensure your annual subscription for next year does not auto-renew.
  • You will continue to enjoy CPD Home services for the remainder of your active subscription year and your CPD compliance status will be submitted to Ahpra on your behalf.

Learning :

  • Yes. Under the Medical Board of Australia’s (MBA)’s revised Registration Standard: Continuing professional development (the Standard), all non-exempt medical practitioners must have a written CPD Plan and reflect upon the plan at the end of each CPD year (1 January to 31 December).
  • Your plan will help focus your preferred CPD activities to meet your learning goals, including any mandatory CPD required under the Standard.
  • As a CPD Home Subscriber, you must save your CPD Plan and CPD Plan Reflection each CPD year using our templates. Completion of both activities equates to the minimum 5 hours of ‘Reviewing Performance’ CPD under our CPD Program and is reflected on your Dashboard as completed Mandatory CPD under the Standard.

  • To learn how to write your CPD Plan, you may like to complete our free online CPD activity Planning for Learning, available from our Catalogue.
  • Before writing your CPD Plan, you may wish to ask yourself:
    • What are my learning goals for the CPD year and why?
    • What are my learning focus areas?
    • What types of CPD activities can I engage in that align with my registered scope of practice, including any mandatory CPD activities required to achieve my learning goals?
  • When you are ready to write your CPD Plan:
    • Log on to the CPD Home platform
    • Click the CPD Plan menu
    • Select the CPD year
    • Complete all fields of the Plan. These can be updated at any time throughout the CPD year.
    • Click Save.
  • You can also upload any relevant supporting documentation.
  • Should you need to update your CPD Plan during the year, you can edit your saved Plan and resave it. Any documentation you have opted to upload may need to be amended accordingly and reloaded.
  • If you are audited by CPD Home, your completed CPD learning activities will be assessed against your CPD Plan to confirm their alignment with your Plan and relevance to your scope of practice.

  • From the top menu, click Catalogue to browse for accredited or accepted CPD activities. You can narrow your search by entering a Keyword or clicking Filters for an advanced search.

  • Yes. The CPD Home Program Guide available on our website outlines the types of activities that can be completed under the two domains of learning:
    • Domain 1: Educational Activities
    • Domain 2: Reviewing Performance and Measuring Outcomes.
  • If you need further guidance on possible CPD activities relevant to your scope of practice and career stage, speak with your supervisor, a colleague or mentor. You can also Contact Us by completing our online form and member of our team will be in touch.

  • Yes. All doctors can complete the majority of CPD activities listed in the Catalogue.
  • If you only want to be a Learner and subscribe to another CPD home of choice, just follow these quick steps:
    • Sign up as a CPD Learner - its free
    • After logging in, click Catalogue on the top menu
    • Find a CPD activity of interest
    • Click the web tile to view the activity information page
    • Click Enrol Now or Register Now.
  • Some activities provided by our Contributors may incur a fee.
  • As a CPD Home Learner, once you have completed the activity, you may need to upload your completion record to your CPD home of choice, if recognised as a CPD activity under their program.
  • Please note, where a paid learning fee applies, CPD Learners will not receive our Subscriber discount, if offered. This discount is only available to CPD Home Subscribers.

  • Yes. CPD Home enables you to enrol in a CPD activity and complete it later.
  • To continue your learning at any point, follow these quick steps:
    • Log in to view your Dashboard
    • Under the CPD Activities menu, click CPD Learning
    • View My Enrolments
    • Click the CPD activity you wish to complete
    • Press Continue.

  • CPD activities offered by CPD Home Certified Learning Providers (CLPs) and Partners that are listed in the CPD Home catalogue may incur a pay-per-use fee.
  • The pricing of CPD activities is solely determined by the Contributor. CPD Home will always encourage Contributors to offer a discount for CPD Home Subscribers, but this decision lies solely with the provider.
  • If you are a paid Subscriber and you are logged in to the CPD Home Platform, the CPD activity information page will reflect relevant pricing.

  • If you commence an online CPD activity but do not complete it, you are not eligible for a refund.

  • To support specialist Subscribers, our CPD Home Program includes any specialty-specific high-level requirements approved by the Medical Board of Australia (MBA) each year.
  • Specialist high-level CPD requirements may relate to Domain 1: Educational Activities and/or Domain 2: Reviewing Performance and Measuring Outcomes activities by specialty and are a component of the mandatory 50-hours of CPD each year.
  • Any Ahpra specialist registered medical practitioner must complete the relevant high-level requirements irrespective of their CPD home of choice, which may be per year, or in some instances once every three years.
  • To learn about the specialty high-level requirements for the CPD year, please view the CPD Home Program Guide available on our website, or visit the Medical Board Ahpra website for more details.

Tracking :

  • To ensure CPD Home is ready to track your CPD and suggest learning that is relevant to your scope of practice, simply follow the steps below.
    • Sign up up or log in to CPD Home for the first time.
    • Click the Profile menu for your Professional Information to appear
    • Enter your details to complete your Professional Profile
    • Click Save Details
  • To learn how to write your CPD Plan, you can complete the ‘Planning for Learning’ activity which is available from the CPD Home Catalogue. When you are ready to write your CPD Plan, please refer to the CPD Learning FAQs above.
  • Your Dashboard will reflect your CPD activity progress against the CPD Home Program, including mandatory activities and specialist high-level CPD requirements approved by the Medical Board of Australia (MBA).
  • If you are a CPD Home Learner, access to your CPD Plan will cease following your 30-day free trial. To upgrade to a CPD Home Subscriber, click the Upgrade button on the Dashboard.

  • To self-record a completed CPD activity within a reporting period with supporting evidence:
    • Log in to the CPD Home Platform
    • From your Dashboard, click the Upload Activity button
    • Click on the + sign at the top to select the appropriate learning domain.
    • View the drop-down list of activity types for that domain.
    • Select the relevant activity
    • Enter the CPD hours and minutes undertaken for that activity. If more than one domain of learning was addressed in the activity, repeat this step for the other domain.
    • Select the relevant CAPE aspect(s) (if applicable)
    • Enter the details of the activity in the Details section. All fields are mandatory
    • Reflect on the learning you have undertaken
    • Click Browse to add your supporting evidence, such as a Certificate of Attendance
    • Click Save.
  • Your CPD activity record and supporting evidence will now be added to your CPD Tracker, collated into your CPD Report and reflected on the Dashboard.
  • You can upload multiple supporting evidence files, including learning notes, and review your learning activity. Please note: you can only upload JPG and PDF file types.

  • You can only upload PDF documents and JPG image files. Modifiable documents, including Microsoft Word or TXT files, are unable to be uploaded as evidence.
  • There are many freeware programs that will allow you to convert documents into PDF prior to uploading them. Alternatively, you can take a photo and upload the JPG image file as your record of supporting evidence.

  • To edit a CPD activity, please follow the below steps:
    • Click the CPD Activities menu and select Uploaded Activities.
    • From your activities list, find the activity you want to edit.
    • Click Edit under the Action field.
    • Adjust the record and/or upload your supporting evidence. You can Delete an activity if you find that the uploaded activity is no longer necessary.

  • Log in to the CPD Home Platform
  • From your Dashboard click on the Upload Activity button
  • Complete the form, ensuring you add your high-level CPD activity record to the correct learning domain. This is done by following the below steps:
    • Click on the + sign at the top to select the appropriate learning domain.
    • View the drop-down list of activity types for that domain.
    • Select Other as the type
    • Select High-level requirements
    • Enter the CPD hours and minutes undertaken for that activity
  • Select the relevant CAPE aspect/s (if applicable)
  • Enter the details of the activity in the Details section. All fields are mandatory
  • Reflect on the learning you have undertaken
  • Click Browse to add your supporting evidence, such as a Certificate of Attendance. You can upload multiple files, including learning notes, and review your learning activity. Please note, you can only upload JPG and PDF file types
  • Click Save.

  • Yes. For CPD activities completed through our Contributors, your activity record and supporting evidence will be uploaded to your CPD Dashboard within four weeks, unless otherwise stated. The attributable hours of CPD will be reflected on your Dashboard once this has occurred.
  • If our Contributor states that they do not upload your learning record on your behalf and you still wish to register and complete their CPD activity, you can self-record the activity and upload your supporting evidence following the steps above ‘FAQ2: How do I self-record completion of a CPD Activity?’.
  • The hours for completed online CPD activities hosted in our Catalogue are immediately recorded. This will be reflected on your Dashboard, with your CPD Certificate of Completion added to your CPD record as evidence of the learning.
  • To view your progress against these activities, select the CPD Activities menu then CPD Learning.

  • Yes. Any additional CPD hours for an activity type under the Domain of Learning will be recorded by the CPD Tracker. However, these hours will be excluded in the CPD year calculation and cannot count towards another domain.
  • Your CPD Report will list the total number of attributable hours spent on each eligible CPD activity.

  • Yes. CPD Home has an app available to download to your mobile device.
  • To download our app, follow the instructions below:
    • For Android, go to the Google Play Store to search and download the CPD Home App then click Install.
    • For Apple, go to the Apple App store to search and download the CPD Home App then double-click to Install.
  • To upload learning activities using our app, simply follow the instructions below:
    • Open the CPD Home app
    • From your Dashboard, click the Upload Activity button
    • Click on the + sign at the top to select the appropriate learning domain.
    • View the drop-down list of activity types for that domain.
    • Select the relevant activity
    • Enter the CPD hours and minutes undertaken for that activity
    • Select the relevant CAPE aspect(s) (if applicable)
    • Enter the details of the activity in the Details section. All fields are mandatory
    • Reflect on the learning you have undertaken
    • Click Browse to add your supporting evidence, such as a Certificate of Attendance
    • Click Save.

  • When you enrol in a CPD activity delivered by a CPD Home Certified Learning Provider or Partner, it’s important that you enter your unique CPD Home ID at the time of registration.
  • Your ID is automatically generated by CPD Home when you subscribe to our service and can be viewed with your Professional Details, viewed by clicking the Profile menu when you are logged in.
  • Some CPD Home Contributors have an API in place with us. This means your learning record and supporting evidence will be automatically recorded overnight.
  • For other Contributors, it may take up to four weeks for your CPD activity record and supporting evidence to be uploaded to your CPD Tracker on your behalf and reflected on your Dashboard.
  • You can check if a CPD activity has been uploaded by selecting the CPD Activities menu and then clicking Uploaded Activities.
  • If, after four weeks, the completed learning is not appearing, please Contact Us by completing our online form and a member of our team will be in touch.

  • Please refer to the CPD Home Program Guide available on our website to learn about the many types of CPD activities you can engage in that align with the CPD Home Program.

  • No. The annual CPD year runs from 1 January to 31 December, reflecting the Medical Board of Australia's Registration Standard: Continuing professional development.
  • At the time of your Ahpra medical registration renewal you need to declare if your CPD compliance has been met for the previous CPD year, not the current CPD year. However, you will be asked who your CPD home is for the current CPD year. During the renewal process, please select from the drop-down list Doctorportal Learning, trading as CPD Home to declare you are a CPD Home Subscriber.

  • Yes. You can quickly view your CPD progress within a reporting period at any time.
    • Log in to the CPD Home Platform
    • From your Dashboard, select the Reports menu and then select Progress Reports
    • Scroll down the page to view the CPD requirements you have addressed by Domain of Learning including mandatory learning, and areas you still need to focus on
    • Click the Print button to save your report as a PDF

  • As a CPD Home Subscriber, providing evidence of your completed CPD at any time is easy to share by simply printing your Progress Report as a PDF:
    • Log in to the CPD Home Platform
    • From your Dashboard, select the Reports menu and then Progress Reports
    • Click the Print button to save your report as a PDF and provide to your employer.

  • Your CPD Report details all CPD activities undertaken during an annual reporting period, including your supporting evidence. It can be saved for later reference or downloaded as a PDF:
    • Log in to the CPD Home Platform
    • From your Dashboard, select the Reports menu and then CPD Report
    • Click the Download Report button to save the report as a ZIP file
    • Click the Print button to save the report as a PDF.
  • All uploaded supporting evidence is available in the report appendix with the reference tabulated against each CPD activity, if available at the time of viewing this report type. To view your uploaded supporting evidence before printing, simply click the appendix hyperlink in the Supporting Evidence field to download the file.

  • Your annual CPD Statement of Completion will be available to download from your Dashboard by 31 January the following CPD year.
  • If your CPD records are incomplete at the end of the CPD year and you had applied for an extension prior to 30 November, your CPD Statement of Completion will be made available once the CPD Home Program requirements have been met.
  • Where your CPD compliance has not been met, the CPD Home Participation and Compliance Policy available to Subscribers will be followed. Please ensure you check the implications for non-participation with this policy and the Medical Board of Australia (MBA).

  • Yes. Following the end of the CPD year, CPD Home will report your CPD compliance to Ahpra in line with the Standard. This is a requirement of all AMC-accredited CPD homes.

  • Yes. To maintain your medical registration in Australia, Ahpra requires you to complete the minimum requirements of your nominated CPD home program, while ensuring any CPD activities you choose to engage in are relevant to your scope of practice competency standards.
  • As a Subscriber, CPD Home will regularly monitor your progress towards meeting your CPD requirements and enable the provision of support, if required.
  • You may be selected for a CPD audit by the Medical Board of Australia (MBA) or CPD Home.
  • At the conclusion of the CPD year, CPD Home will audit at least 5% of all Subscribers to verify the educational quality of completed activities and their alignment to the CPD requirements, and the completeness of supporting documentation.
  • If you are selected for audit by CPD Home and assessed as not having met your CPD compliance requirements, appropriate steps will be put in place by CPD Home to support you to become compliant.
  • Subscribers to CPD Home may also be randomly audited by the MBA. When a CPD audit is conducted by the MBA, you must demonstrate compliance against your CPD Home Program for the reporting periods determined by the auditing body.

  • The CPD Report is presented in an accepted format for a CPD audit and can be found in the Reports menu on the CPD Home Dashboard.
  • For the years you have been subscribing to CPD Home, past reports can be viewed, saved and printed by selecting the relevant year from the top right drop-down list in the CPD Report view.
  • Should you be audited by the Medical Board of Australia (MBA) or CPD Home, you can use these reports to confirm your CPD compliance.
  • Ensure you retain records of your annual CPD completion for auditing purposes by CPD Home and the MBA for up to three years after the end of each CPD year.

CPD Home promotes high-quality CPD activities delivered by our Certified Learning Providers (CLP) in our online Catalogue.

Listed CPD activities are hyperlinked to your website registration page and can be viewed by all Australian doctors visiting CPD Home. Please view our website to learn more.

To apply to be a CLP, please email and request our application form.

We offer our Certified Learning Providers and Partners additional marketing and promotion services. For more information, please email and request the ‘CPD Home Engagement Kit’.

CPD Home conducts a two-phase process to approve your:

  1. organisation as a Certified Learning Provider (CLP)
  2. activities you wish to list in the Catalogue as Accredited or Accepted learning.

Following approval, CLPs are provided with two different CPD Home logos for marketing purposes, symbolising they are an approved CLP and that the activity is approved by CPD Home for the CPD year.

For more information, please email and request ‘Listing CPD Activities in the CPD Home Catalogue: A guide for Certified Learning Providers’.

CPD activities likely to be approved by CPD Home include those that:

    * address our CPD Home Program Guide

    * are accredited by an AMC approved CPD home or our approved Accreditor

    * are authored by our Partner subject matter experts in their field

    * meet the specialty high-level requirements approved by the MBA for the current reporting period.

The initial application review may take up to five business days to complete. Following the review, the representative submitting the application will be notified of the outcome in writing.

For more information, please email and request ‘Listing CPD Activities in the CPD Home Catalogue: A guide for Certified Learning Providers’.

Should your initial application be unsuccessful and your organisation chooses to discontinue the application process, you can request a refund of the Administration fee, less the application fee of $110 (inc. GST).

We work with a range of organisations to develop, deploy and market learning to doctors.

If you would like to know more, please email to speak with us about our range of learning services to help you engage with your target audience.

CPD Home is supported by brands that medical professionals trust to provide accredited education, information, and resources throughout their careers.

CPD Home ensures your sponsored CPD activities showcases high-quality and credible learning to maximise engagement with your audience. Click here to learn more.

Email to understand how we can support you to reach your target audience.

CPD Home offers a range of advertising options to suit your organisational needs.

Email to speak with a member of our team.