CPD Supporting All Doctors

CPD Home Program of Learning

Recognising learning occurring anywhere, anytime

As of 1 January 2024, Australian medical practitioners are required to transition towards a mandatory CPD home.

Our CPD Home Program provides an accredited training pathway that addresses a wide range of learning needs within the two domains of learning:

  • Domain 1: Educational Activities
  • Domain 2: Reviewing Performance and Measuring Outcomes

Participating in regular CPD that’s relevant to your scope of practice is key to maintain, develop, update, and enhance your knowledge, skills, and performance. This results in delivering the most appropriate and safe care for your patients.

To learn more read our CPD Home Program Guide 2025.

Fulfil your CPD requirements through professional experiences

The Medical Board of Australia (MBA) understands that ongoing CPD doesn’t just involve conferences and courses. 

The 50 hours of CPD required in line with our program may include a vast range of accredited CPD activities, as well self-recorded on-the-job patient and peer experiences.

How do you learn?

  • Online, face-to-face, or a combination of both?
  • In the morning or at the end of the day?
  • By discussing unique cases with colleagues?

Experiences that reflect your registered scope of practice and align with our program are recognised by CPD Home.

Annual requirements

Our annual CPD Year commences on 1 January and concludes 30 December. You are required to complete a minimum of 50 hours of CPD activities across the two domains of learning:

  • Domain 1: Educational Activities (minimum 12.5 hours and maximum 25 hours)
  • Domain 2: Reviewing Performance (minimum 5 hours) and Measuring Outcomes (minimum 5 hours) Total time: minimum 25 hours - maximum 37.5 hours

Australian medical practitioners are required to engage in CPD activities that align with the Medical Board of Australia's Good Medical Practice: A code of conduct for doctors in Australia; 2020.

  • Culturally Safe Practice
  • Addressing Health Inequities
  • Professionalism
  • Ethical Practice

The minimum and maximum number of accumulated CPD hours for each domain must be observed. Additional hours can be recorded by the CPD Tracker, but excluded in the annual CPD calculation where it exceeds the maximum number of hours by domain.

You must save and retain your completed annual CPD activity records for three years for auditing purposes.

To find out more, visit the Medical Board of Australia (MBA)

More about CPD Home

At CPD Home, we provide a customised digital platform to help doctors across all medical career stages meet the Medical Board of Australia (MBA)’s Registration Standard: Continuing Professional Development.

CPD Home subscribers who fully engage in our program will receive a CPD Statement of Completion as a record of their annual participation.

Subscribe Now for accredited CPD learning, tracking, and reporting at your fingertips.

For more information visit our FAQs or Contact Us by completing our online form.