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Finding accredited CPD

AMA Code of Ethics


This module aims to give you an understanding of the AMA Code of Ethics 2004, editorially revised 2006, revised 2016.
The Code serves to guide doctors in supporting patients to be active in managing their own health care and make their own informed health care decisions.

The Code has grown out of other similar ethical codes stretching back into history including the Hippocratic Oath and those from other cultures. The updated Code of Ethics provides greater clarity on consent, conscientious objection, complaints, control of patient information, fees, professional boundaries, managing interests, stewardship, medico-legal responsibilities, and protecting others from harm.


Learning Outcomes

  1. Develop a broad understanding of the AMA Code of Ethics (Revised 2016)
  2. Name the principles that underpin the Code
  3. Complete case studies supporting the practice of the Code
  4. Engage in ethical practices with patients, colleagues and society.



  • Module Overview
  • Introducing the AMA Code of Ethics
  • The Doctor and the Patient
  • The Doctor and the Profession
  • The Doctor and Society
  • Putting Words into Practice


CPD Activity Details
Educational Activities
General Learning
Course / module
CPD Hours
2h : 0m
Ethical Practice, Professionalism
Medical practitioners
Applicable CAPE Aspects
Professionalism, Ethical Practice
Effective Year

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