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Developing Your Patient Experience (PX) Strategy: Create a roadmap for patient-driven change in your practice


Developing Your Patient Experience (PX) Strategy’ is specifically developed to help practitioners build a Patient Experience (PX) Strategy within their practices that aligns with Australian health reforms. This course fosters a culture of continuous improvement in patient experience, ensuring that your practice meets and exceeds the expectations of patients, healthcare providers and healthcare standards.   

This program offers an invaluable opportunity to learn from industry experts, integrate proven frameworks for patient experience enhancement, and stay ahead with reforms shaping the future of Australian healthcare. With tailored coaching, actionable insights, and a supportive peer network, you'll be equipped to deliver exceptional care aligned with the highest safety and quality standards.  

All the content of this course is covered over a 6-week period, and if you are completing the suggested tasks as you go, you can expect to have your finished PX Strategy Canvas completed at the end of this period.

We suggest allowing 3 hours a week to complete the module, reflect, and work with your team.  Depending on how much of the 'doing' you decide to do as you learn, you may take longer than the 6 weeks designated learning period to complete all the tasks.  

Join us for the next intake to make a lasting impact on your practice and the lives of those you serve.


Session 1: Wednesday 13 March 2024 11-12pm (AEDT)

Sessions 2-6 weekly on subsequent Wednesdays @ 11-12pm (AEST)


Session 1: Thursday 9 May 2024 11:30-12:30pm (AEST)

Session 2-6: weekly on subsequent Thursdays @ 11:30-12:30pm (AEST)


Session 1: Wednesday 3 July 2024 11:30-12:30pm (AEST)

Session 2-6: weekly on subsequent Wednesdays @ 11-12pm (AEST)


Session 1: Wednesday 28 August 2024 11:30-12:30pm (AEST)

Session 2-6: weekly on subsequent Wednesdays @ 11:30-12:30pm (AEST)


Session 1: Wednesday 23 October 2024 11-12pm (AEDT)

Session 2-6: weekly on subsequent Wednesdays @ 11-12pm (AEDT)

A recording is made of all live Zoom sessions, so if you cannot attend, you can watch it when it suits you. 

Learning Outcomes

  1. Summarise the 3 key principles of value-based health care (VBHC) recognising their importance within a modern practice    
  2. Identify participants own patient segment to map the journey across the care cycle identifying gaps, friction points and opportunities to enhance optimal care    
  3. Select patient-reported measures to implement and track outcomes over time     
  4. Identify multidisciplinary team members available to deliver comprehensive care for the patient segment    
  5. Identify patient data sources to report and track PX insights over time  
  6. Calculate the costs of care delivery for the patient segment across a care cycle to identify any discrepancies between funding and the cost of providing services.      
  7. Recommend a ‘theory of change’ PX improvement framework to lead sustainable PX improvement in participants own practice.     
  8. Complete a PX strategy canvas to identify opportunities to improve patient experience and outcomes.      
  9. Benchmark own practice’s current PX performance to prioritise continuous improvement planning (PX maturity assessment). 


Cost: $897

Disclaimer: Please note, once you click 'Register now' you will be leaving the AMA’s CPD Home website and entering a third-party education provider’s website. If you choose to register for this learning, you will need to provide some of your personal information directly to the third-party education provider. If you have any queries about how third-party education providers use, disclose or store your personal information, you should consult their privacy policy.

Upon completion, your CPD activity record may take up to 4 weeks to be reflected on your CPD Home Dashboard.

CPD Activity Details
Educational Activities
General Learning
Course / module
CPD Hours
18h : 15m
Patient experience, Partnering with patients, Patient outcomes
Medical practitioners
Applicable CAPE Aspects
Culturally Safe Practice, Addressing Health Inequities, Professionalism, Ethical Practice
Effective Year

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