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Principles of skin grafting


This educational presentation delivered by Dr Kirstie MacGill provides an understanding on skin grafting. It compliments and builds on the video called "Skin Graft Knives: Taking a split skin graft" (This video can be found via the search bar).


Learning Outcomes

  1. Identify the differences between split thickness and full thickness skin grafts
  2. Outline how skin grafts “Take” and how to reduce graft failure
  3. Describe skin graft donor site healing and choose dressings
  4. Assess the importance of post operative care to improve results after skin grafting.


This activity is accepted by CPD Home as a Domain 1: Educational Activity in alignment with the CPD Home Program Guide 2024.  

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Upon completion, your CPD activity record may take up to 4 weeks to be reflected on your CPD Home Dashboard.

CPD Activity Details
Educational Activities
General Learning
CPD Hours
1h : 0m
Diagnostic Techniques, Procedures and Imaging, Surgical Procedures and the Operative Environment
Medical practitioners
Applicable CAPE Aspects
Effective Year

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